Source code for riboraptor.hdf_parser

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from collections import Counter
from collections import defaultdict
from collections import OrderedDict
import os
import subprocess

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pybedtools
import h5py
import six
import pyBigWig
from tqdm import tqdm
import warnings
import sys
from joblib import delayed

from .genome import _get_bed
from .genome import __GENOMES_DB__
from .interval import Interval

from .helpers import complementary_strand
from .helpers import mkdir_p
from .helpers import merge_intervals
from .helpers import path_leaf
from .parallel import ParallelExecutor
from .count import _multiprocess_gene_coverage
from .helpers import scale_bigwig
import tempfile
TMP_DIR_ROOT = '/tmp'

#from multiprocessing import Pool

def _scale_value_to_rpm(value, total):
    """Scale value to reads per million"""
    return value * 1 / (total / 1e6)

def _create_bigwig_from_bed(bed, chrom_lengths, outfile):
    """Create bigwig from a bed

    bed: DataFrame
        Dataframe with standard six columns with appropriate names
    chrom_lengths: list of tuples
                   Sorted list of chromosome names and sizes
    outfile: string
             Path to store output file
    if not isinstance(bed, pd.DataFrame):
        bed = pybedtools.BedTool(bed).as_dataframe()

    bw =, 'w')
    bw.addHeader(chrom_lengths, maxZooms=0)

[docs]def hdf_to_bigwig(hdf, prefixdir, read_lengths_to_use='all', output_normalized=True): """Create fragment and strand specific bigwigs from hdf Parameters ---------- hdf: string Path to hdf file prefix: string Prefix to store output files read_lengths_to_use: list Create bigwig only from these fragment lengths TODO: one fix for this would be to create separate nonoverlapping bigwigs and then merge them with bigWigCat (one more dependency) """ hdf = h5py.File(hdf, 'r') all_read_lengths = hdf['read_lengths'] read_counts = list(hdf['read_lengths_counts']) read_counts = pd.Series(read_counts, index=all_read_lengths).sort_index() chrom_names = list(map(lambda x: str(x), hdf['chrom_names'])) protocol = hdf.attrs['protocol'] chrom_sizes = hdf['chrom_sizes'] # This is already sorted in the file # So no need to sort again (as required by bigwig) chrom_lengths = list(zip(chrom_names, chrom_sizes)) if isinstance(read_lengths_to_use, int): # Make it a list read_lengths_to_use = [str(read_lengths_to_use)] if read_lengths_to_use == 'all': read_lengths = all_read_lengths else: read_lengths = read_lengths_to_use mkdir_p(prefixdir) for read_length in read_lengths: if read_length not in all_read_lengths: print('{} not in hdf'.format(read_length)) continue read_total = read_counts[str(read_length)] read_len_group = hdf['fragments'][read_length] for orientation in hdf['fragments'][read_length].keys(): orientation_group = read_len_group[orientation] dest_dir = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(prefixdir, str(read_length))) mkdir_p(dest_dir) bws = {} bws['pos_bw'] = os.path.join(dest_dir, '{}_{}.bw'.format( orientation, 'pos')) bws['neg_bw'] = os.path.join(dest_dir, '{}_{}.bw'.format( orientation, 'neg')) # This flle will store only the relevant # strand information bws['collapsed_bw'] = os.path.join( dest_dir, '{}_{}.bw'.format(orientation, 'collapsed')) bws['combined_bw'] = os.path.join( dest_dir, '{}_{}.bw'.format(orientation, 'combined')) if output_normalized: bws['pos_norm_bw'] = os.path.join( dest_dir, '{}_{}.bw'.format(orientation, 'pos_normalized')) bws['neg_norm_bw'] = os.path.join( dest_dir, '{}_{}.bw'.format(orientation, 'neg_normalized')) bws['combined_norm_bw'] = os.path.join( dest_dir, '{}_{}.bw'.format(orientation, 'combined_normalized')) for key, bw in six.iteritems(bws): bws[key] =, 'w') bws[key].addHeader(chrom_lengths, maxZooms=0) chrom_strand = list() for c in orientation_group.keys(): chrom_strand.append((c.split('__')[0], c.split('__')[1])) chrom_strand = sorted(chrom_strand, key=lambda x: x[0]) combined_chrom = defaultdict(pd.Series) for chrom, mapped_strand in chrom_strand: chrom = str(chrom) chrom_strand = '{}__{}'.format(chrom, mapped_strand) assert mapped_strand in [ 'pos', 'neg' ], 'Found strand {}'.format(mapped_strand) if mapped_strand == 'pos': mapped_strand = '+' elif mapped_strand == 'neg': mapped_strand = '-' chrom_obj = orientation_group[chrom_strand] starts = np.array(chrom_obj['positions']) ends = starts + 1 values = np.array(chrom_obj['counts']) combined_chrom[chrom] = combined_chrom[chrom].add( pd.Series(values, index=starts), fill_value=0) gene_strands = chrom_obj['gene_strand'] if mapped_strand == '+': bws['pos_bw'].addEntries( [chrom] * len(starts), starts, ends=ends, values=values) if output_normalized: bws['pos_norm_bw'].addEntries( [chrom] * len(starts), starts, ends=ends, values=_scale_value_to_rpm(values, read_total)) if mapped_strand == '-': bws['neg_bw'].addEntries( [chrom] * len(starts), starts, ends=ends, values=values) if output_normalized: bws['neg_norm_bw'].addEntries( [chrom] * len(starts), starts, ends=ends, values=_scale_value_to_rpm(values, read_total)) gene_strand = chrom_obj['gene_strand'] if protocol == 'forward': # Should_keep mapped_strand + and gene_strand = # OR mapped_strand - and gene_strand -i for start, end, gene_strand, value in zip( starts, ends, gene_strands, values): if gene_strand not in ['+', '-']: continue if mapped_strand == gene_strand: bws['collapsed_bw'].addEntries([chrom], [start], ends=[end], values=[value]) elif protocol == 'reverse': # Should keep reads mapped to + and gene_strand - # OR mapped_strand - and gene_strand + for start, end, gene_strand, value in zip( starts, ends, gene_strands, values): if gene_strand not in ['+', '-']: continue if mapped_strand == complementary_strand(gene_strand): bws['collapsed_bw'].addEntries([chrom], [start], ends=[end], values=[value]) elif protocol == 'unstranded': # Count everything # Do we still use this?? raise ValueError('Unstranded protocol not supported yet') for chrom in sorted(list(combined_chrom.keys())): values = combined_chrom[chrom].sort_index() starts = np.array(values.index) ends = starts + 1 values = np.array(values.values) bws['combined_bw'].addEntries( [chrom] * len(values), starts, ends=ends, values=values) if output_normalized: bws['combined_norm_bw'].addEntries( [chrom] * len(starts), starts, ends=ends, values=_scale_value_to_rpm(values, read_total)) for key, bw in six.iteritems(bws): bw.close() hdf.close()
[docs]def tsv_to_bigwig(df, chrom_lengths, prefix): """Convert tsv (created by bam-coverage) to bigwig We create multiple bigwigs, each separately for fragment length, and the strand. This will output the following files, where N represents the fragment length Parameters ---------- df: string or pd.DataFrame Path to bam-coverage outputted tsvi chrom_lengths: list of tuples A list of tuples with chromsome name and size [('chr1', 10000), ['chr2', 5000]] prefix: string Path to store the final tsv """ if isinstance(chrom_lengths, six.string_types): if not os.path.isfile(chrom_lengths): raise RuntimeError( 'Need either list of tuples or chrom.sizes file to proceed') sizes = [] with open(chrom_lengths) as fh: for line in fh: chrom, size = line.strip().split('\t') sizes.append((str(chrom), int(size))) chrom_lengths = sizes chrom_lengths = list(sorted(chrom_lengths, key=lambda x: x[0])) if isinstance(df, six.string_types): df = pd.read_table(df) df = df.fillna(0) df.count_pos_strand = df.count_pos_strand.astype(float) df.count_neg_strand = df.count_neg_strand.astype(float) df_grouped = df.groupby('read_length') for read_length, read_len_group in df_grouped: orientation_grouped = read_len_group.groupby('orientation') for orientation, orientation_group in orientation_grouped: orientation_group = orientation_group.sort_values( by=['chrom', 'start', 'end']).drop( columns=['read_length', 'orientation']) orientation_group_pos = orientation_group.copy().rename( columns={'count_pos_strand': 'score'}) orientation_group_pos['strand'] = '+' orientation_group_pos = orientation_group_pos.sort_values( by=['chrom', 'start', 'end']) orientation_group_neg = orientation_group.copy().rename( columns={'count_neg_strand': 'score'}) orientation_group_neg['strand'] = '-' orientation_group_neg = orientation_group_neg.sort_values( by=['chrom', 'start', 'end']) _create_bigwig_from_bed( orientation_group_pos, chrom_lengths, '{}_{}_{}_{}.bw'.format( prefix, read_length, orientation, 'pos')) _create_bigwig_from_bed( orientation_group_neg, chrom_lengths, '{}_{}_{}_{}.bw'.format( prefix, read_length, orientation, 'neg'))
def _process_gene_group(data): filepath, gene_group, chromosome_lengths, offset_5p, offset_3p, orientation, n_bases, fragment_length = data h5py_obj = HDFParser(filepath) regions = list( zip(gene_group['chrom'], gene_group['start'], gene_group['end'], gene_group['strand'])) strand = regions[0][3] intervals = [Interval(i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3]) for i in regions] intervals_combined, gene_offset_5p, gene_offset_3p = merge_intervals( intervals, chromosome_lengths, offset_5p, offset_3p) regions = [(interval.chrom, interval.start, interval.end, interval.strand) for interval in intervals] all_dfs = [ h5py_obj.get_coverage(region, fragment_length, orientation) for region in regions ] h5py_obj.close() all_dfs = pd.concat(all_dfs, ignore_index=True) # Reindex if the start position is '-' if strand == '-': all_dfs = all_dfs.reindex(np.arange(len(all_dfs.index) - 1, -1, -1)) max_positions = min(len(all_dfs.index), n_bases) # Remove the 'start' column as we will # dill with index from now on coverage = all_dfs.loc[list(range(max_positions)), all_dfs.columns[1:]] return coverage def _gene_group_to_tsv(data): gene_group = data['gene_group'] offset_5p = data['offset_5p'] offset_3p = data['offset_3p'] #fragment_lengh = data['fragment_length'] #orientation = data['orientation'] chromosome_lengths = data['chromosome_lengths'] n_bases = data['n_bases'] tsv = data['tsv'] tsv = tsv.set_index(['chrom', 'start', 'end']) regions = list( zip(gene_group['chrom'], gene_group['start'], gene_group['end'], gene_group['strand'])) strand = regions[0][3] intervals = [Interval(i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3]) for i in regions] intervals_combined, gene_offset_5p, gene_offset_3p = merge_intervals( intervals, chromosome_lengths, offset_5p, offset_3p) regions = [(interval.chrom, interval.start, interval.end, interval.strand) for interval in intervals] df = [] should_stop = False if strand == '+': total = 0 for region in intervals_combined: if should_stop: break for position in range(region.start, region.end): if should_stop: break #coverage_records = tsv.loc[(region.chrom, position)] df.append( [region.chrom, position, position + 1, region.strand]) total += 1 if total > n_bases: should_stop = True else: # Iterate over the intervals in a reversed manner for region in intervals_combined[::-1]: if should_stop: break for position in np.arange(region.end - 1, region.end - 1, -1): if should_stop: break #coverage_records = tsv.loc[(region.chrom, position)] df.append( [region.chrom, position, position + 1, region.strand]) total += 1 if total > n_bases: should_stop = True df = pd.DataFrame(df) df.columns = ['chrom', 'start', 'end', 'strand'] df = df.set_index(['chrom', 'start', 'end']) merged = df.join(tsv) merged = merged.reset_index() merged = merged.sort_values(by=['chrom', 'start', 'end']) if strand == '+': merged['index'] = range(len(merged.index)) else: merged['index'] = np.range(len(merged.index), -1, -1) return merged
[docs]def create_metagene_from_multi_bigwig(bed, bigwigs, max_positions=1000, offset_5p=0, offset_3p=0, n_jobs=16, saveto=None): """Collapse multiple bigwigs to get bigwig. Test case -> we should be able to get the same coverage file as from export_metagene coverage if everything above this works okay. """ if max_positions is None: warnings.warn("The max_positions is not specified, it could" "take long time to calculate metagene coverage") if max_positions is not None and max_positions <= 0: raise RuntimeError('The max_positions must be positive') sys.exit(1) if bed.lower().split('_')[0] in __GENOMES_DB__: splitted = bed.lower().split('_') if len(splitted) == 2: genome, region_type = splitted elif len(splitted) == 3: genome = splitted[0] region_type = ('_').join(splitted[1:]) bed = _get_bed(region_type, genome) bed_df = pybedtools.BedTool(bed).sort().to_dataframe() bed_df['chrom'] = bed_df['chrom'].astype(str) bed_df['name'] = bed_df['name'].astype(str) bed_grouped = bed_df.groupby('name') position_counter = Counter() metagene_coverage = pd.Series() for bw in tqdm(bigwigs): data = [(gene_group, bw.wig_location, offset_5p, offset_3p, max_positions) for gene_name, gene_group in bed_grouped] aprun = ParallelExecutor(n_jobs=n_jobs) total = len(bed_grouped.groups) all_coverages = aprun(total=total)( delayed(_multiprocess_gene_coverage)(d) for d in data) for norm_cov in all_coverages: metagene_coverage = metagene_coverage.add(norm_cov, fill_value=0) position_counter += Counter(norm_cov.index.tolist()) if len(position_counter) != len(metagene_coverage): raise RuntimeError('Gene normalizaed counter mismatch') sys.exit(1) position_counter = pd.Series(position_counter) metagene_coverage = metagene_coverage.div(position_counter) if saveto: mkdir_p(os.path.dirname(saveto)) to_write = pd.DataFrame({ 'position': metagene_coverage.index, 'count': metagene_coverage.values }) to_write = to_write[['position', 'count']] to_write.to_csv(saveto, sep=str('\t'), index=False) return metagene_coverage
[docs]def merge_bigwigs(bigwigs, chrom_sizes, saveto, scale=False): """Merge multiple bigwigs into one. Note: This seems impossible doing it through pybigWig way and hence the dependency on ucsc-bigWigMerge Parameters ---------- bigwigs: list List of path to bigwigs chrom_size: string Path to chromsome.sizes file saveto: string Path for outputting bigwig """ assert len(bigwigs) > 1, 'Need more bigwigs to merge' with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=TMP_DIR_ROOT) as temp_dir: bedgraph = os.path.join(temp_dir, '{}.bedGraph'.format( path_leaf(saveto))) cmds = ['bigWigMerge'] + bigwigs + [bedgraph] try: p = subprocess.Popen( cmds, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() except FileNotFoundError: raise FileNotFoundError( "bigWigMerge not found on the path. This is an external " "tool from UCSC which can be downloaded from " " Alternatatively, use " "`conda install ucsc-bigwigmerge`") cmds = ['bedSort', bedgraph, '{}.sorted'.format(bedgraph)] try: p = subprocess.Popen( cmds, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() except FileNotFoundError: raise FileNotFoundError( "bedSort not found on the path. This is an external " "tool from UCSC which can be downloaded from " " Alternatatively, use " "`conda install ucsc-bedsort`") cmds = [ 'bedGraphToBigWig', '{}.sorted'.format(bedgraph), chrom_sizes, saveto ] try: p = subprocess.Popen( cmds, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() except FileNotFoundError: raise FileNotFoundError( "bedGraphToBigwig not found on the path. This is an external " "tool from UCSC which can be downloaded from " " Alternatatively, use " "`conda install ucsc-bedgraphtobigwig`")
[docs]class HDFParser(object): def __init__(self, filepath): self.filepath = filepath self.h5py_obj = h5py.File(filepath, 'r') chrom_names = self.h5py_obj['chrom_names'] chrom_sizes = self.h5py_obj['chrom_sizes'] chrom_lengths = dict( [(chrom.replace('_neg', '').replace('_pos', ''), int(size)) for chrom, size in zip(chrom_names, chrom_sizes)]) chrom_lengths = OrderedDict(sorted(chrom_lengths.items())) self.chromosome_lengths = chrom_lengths
[docs] def close(self): self.h5py_obj.close()
def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.h5py_obj.close()
[docs] def get_coverage(self, region=(None, None, None, None), fragment_length=None, orientation='5prime', outprefix=None): """Get coverage for a selected region. Since the region is user provided, we assume the user is aware if it is strand specfic or not Paramters --------- region: tuple (chromosome, start[0-based], end[1-based], strand(+/-)) fragment_length: list or string list of fragment lengths to use Example: [20, 21, 22] or 'all' """ chrom, start, stop, strand = region start = int(start) stop = int(stop) assert chrom is not None, 'chromosome not set' assert start is not None, 'start position is not set' assert stop is not None, 'end position not set' assert strand is not None, 'strand is not set' assert start < stop, 'start should be < stop' assert fragment_length is not None, 'fragment_length not set' if isinstance(fragment_length, int): fragment_length = [fragment_length] if fragment_length == 'all': h5py_fragments = self.h5py_obj['read_lengths'] fragment_length = h5py_fragments fragment_length = list(map(lambda x: str(x), fragment_length)) coverages_normalized = pd.DataFrame() coverages = pd.DataFrame() position_counter = Counter() for l in fragment_length: if strand == '-': chrom_name = '{}__neg'.format(chrom) elif strand == '+': chrom_name = '{}__pos'.format(chrom) else: raise ValueError('strand ill-defined: {}'.format(strand)) root_obj = self.h5py_obj['fragments'][l][orientation] if chrom_name not in root_obj.keys(): # This chromosome does not exist in the # key value store # So should returns zeros all way coverage = pd.Series( [0] * (stop - start), index=range(start, stop)) else: chrom_obj = root_obj[chrom_name] counts_series = pd.Series( list(chrom_obj['counts']), index=list(chrom_obj['positions'])) #print(counts_series) coverage = counts_series.get(list(range(start, stop))) if coverage is None: coverage = pd.Series( [0] * (stop - start), index=range(start, stop)) coverage = coverage.fillna(0) # Mean is taken by summing the rows coverage_mean = coverage.mean(axis=0, skipna=True) # to normalize # we divide the sum by vector obtained in previous # such that each column gets divided coverage_normalized = coverage.divide(coverage_mean).fillna(0) coverages = coverages.join( pd.DataFrame(coverage, columns=[str(l)]), how='outer') coverages_normalized = coverages_normalized.join( pd.DataFrame(coverage_normalized, columns=[str(l)]), how='outer') position_counter += Counter(coverage.index.tolist()) position_counter = pd.Series(Counter(position_counter)).sort_index() coverage_sum = coverages.sum(axis=1) coverage_normalized_sum = coverages_normalized.sum(axis=1) coverage_sum_div = coverage_sum.divide(position_counter, axis='index') coverage_normalized_sum_div = coverage_normalized_sum.divide( position_counter, axis='index') if outprefix: mkdir_p(os.path.dirname(outprefix)) coverage_sum_div.to_csv( '{}_raw.tsv', index=False, header=True, sep='\t') coverage_normalized_sum_div.to_csv( '{}_normalized.tsv', index=False, header=True, sep='\t') = 'start' coverages = coverages.reset_index() = 'start' coverages_normalized = coverages_normalized.reset_index() return coverages, coverages_normalized, coverage_sum_div, coverage_normalized_sum_div
[docs] def get_read_length_dist(self): read_lengths = list( map(lambda x: int(x), self.h5py_obj['read_lengths'])) read_counts = list(self.h5py_obj['read_lengths_counts']) return pd.Series(read_counts, index=read_lengths).sort_index()
[docs] def get_query_alignment_length_dist(self): read_lengths = list( map(lambda x: int(x), self.h5py_obj['query_alignment_lengths'])) read_counts = list(self.h5py_obj['query_alignment_lengths_counts']) return pd.Series(read_counts, index=read_lengths).sort_index()
[docs]def normalize_bw_hdf(bw, hdf, read_length, outbw): """Normalize a fragment specific bigwig to RPM for that fragment length Parameters ---------- bw: string Path to bigwig file hdf: string Path to hdf file (used for fetching total counts for that read type) read_length: int Fragment length outbw: string Path to output bigwig """ hdf = HDFParser(hdf) read_length_dist = hdf.get_read_length_dist() chrom_sizes = hdf.chromosome_lengths with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=TMP_DIR_ROOT) as temp_dir: chrom_sizes_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'chrom.sizes') with open(chrom_sizes_file, 'w') as fh: for chrom, size in six.iteritems(chrom_sizes): fh.write('{}\t{}\n'.format(chrom, size)) total = read_length_dist[read_length] scale_factor = 1 / (total / 1e6) print('total_reads: {} | scale_factor: {}'.format(total, scale_factor)) scale_bigwig(bw, chrom_sizes_file, outbw, scale_factor)