fishoil.diet <- ex0112[ex0112$Diet=='FishOil',]
regularoil.diet <- ex0112[ex0112$Diet=='RegularOil',]
n1 <- nrow(fishoil.diet)
n2 <- nrow(regularoil.diet)
mu1 <- mean(fishoil.diet$BP)
mu2 <- mean(regularoil.diet$BP)
s1 <- sd(fishoil.diet$BP)
s2 <- sd(regularoil.diet$BP)
Average of group with diet ‘FishOil’: \(\mu_f=\) 6.5714286
Standard deviation of group with diet ‘FishOil’: \(\sigma_f=\) 5.8554004
Average of group with diet ‘RegularOil’: \(\mu_r=\) -1.1428571
Standard deviation of group with diet ‘RegularOil’: \(\sigma_r=\) 3.1847853
sp <- sqrt( ( (n1-1)*s1^2 + (n2-1)*s2^2 ) / (n1+n2-2) )
Pooled standard deviation = \(s_P=\sqrt{\frac{(n_1-1)s_1^2+(n_2-1)s_2^2}{(n_1+n_2-2)}}\)
\(s_P=\) 4.7132033
se <- sp*sqrt(1/n1+1/n2)
Standard error \(SE(\bar{Y_2}-\bar{Y_1})=\) 2.5193132
df <- n1+n2-2
qt975 <- qt(c(.975), df=df)
Degrees of freedom = \(n_1+n_2-2\)= 12
\(97.5^{th}\) percentile of \(t-distribution\) (\(df=\) 12): 2.1788128
alpha <- 0.05
t <- qt(1-alpha/2,df)
CI_l <- (mu2-mu1)-t*se
CI_h <- (mu2-mu1)+t*se
\(95\%\) CI for \(\mu_2-\mu_1\): \([\)-13.2033975,-2.2251739\(]\) \(t=\) 2.1788128
T <- (mu2-mu1)/se
p <- pt(T, df=df)
The t-statistic is given by: \(t=\) -3.0620591 with \(df=\) 12
The appropriate one sided p-value is(since \(t<0\)): 0.9975347
ttest <- t.test( regularoil.diet$BP, fishoil.diet$BP, alternative="greater", var.equal=F)
## Welch Two Sample t-test
## data: regularoil.diet$BP and fishoil.diet$BP
## t = -3.0621, df = 9.2643, p-value = 0.9935
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is greater than 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## -12.31752 Inf
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y
## -1.142857 6.571429
p-value from ‘t.test’ = 0.993458
n2 <- nrow(regularoil.diet)
mu2 <- mean(regularoil.diet$BP)
s2 <- sd(regularoil.diet$BP)
df2 <- n2-1
Average=: -1.1428571 Standard Devaiation: 3.1847853 Degree of Freedom: 6
se2 <- s2/sqrt(n2)
Standard error of the average: 1.2037357
qt975_2 <- qt(c(.975), df=df2)
CI_l2 <- mu2 - qt975_2*se2
CI_h2 <- mu2 + qt975_2*se2
CI: \([\)-4.0882922,1.802578\(]\)
T2 <- mu2/se2
p2 <- pt(T2, df=df2)
p-value: 0.1895308
t-statistics: -0.9494253