Models for dynamics: - Models if implied synamics Self regulation: Executive function: inhibotry control, working memory, set shifting Effortful control: Impulse control, emotion regulation and attetion incontext Parent Child Interactions: Sensitivty and co-regulation School: chaso: instability, unpredictability and disorganization Teacher and Teacher process Stress Physiology - Gottileb's probabilistic epigenesis: bidirectional influences - But things are not linear - There is lot of interaction - Waddignton's 1957 epigenetic landscape: Drawn towards active state - Bronfenberure's 1979 ecological model - How to think of these dynamic processes? 1. Explictly model relations between the componenet parts of a broader temporal system - Measure the unfolding within an individual over time - Specifiy a statistical model that includes parameters that explicitly adrress: a) within sustem processes b) beteeen systematc Example: longitudianl data - Auto regressive cross-lagged panel model - Uniterprtable parameter Problem: Mother spanking a child -> child's aggression increase over time -> mother's spanking increase Marsh Mellow examplE: Give one marshamllow immediately or wait 5 minutes for 3 and variations 20 observations -> 4 nodes, each node feeds toon example: synchrony in parasympahht Cons of explicit model: Need an explit formualtion of the model; need plausible model 2. Models of implit dynamics Does cognitive challenge chng Remove time structure of time-series? Fractal xomplexitY? Reactiomm goes w