Source code for riboraptor.sradb

"""Helper functions for parsing SRAmetadb.sqlite file"""

import re
import sqlite3
import pandas as pd

1. Study
> dbListFields(sra_con,"study")
"study_ID"    "study_alias"    "study_accession"    "study_title"    "study_type"
"study_abstract"    "broker_name"    "center_name"    "center_project_name"
"study_description"    "related_studies"    "primary_study"    "sra_link"
"study_url_link"    "xref_link"    "study_entrez_link"    "ddbj_link"    "ena_link"

2. Sample
> dbListFields(sra_con,"sample")
"sample_ID"    "sample_alias"    "sample_accession"    "broker_name"
"center_name"    "taxon_id"    "scientific_name"    "common_name"
"anonymized_name"    "individual_name"    "description"    "sra_link"
"sample_url_link"    "xref_link"    "sample_entrez_link"   "ddbj_link"
"ena_link"    "sample_attribute"    "submission_accession" "sradb_updated"

3. Experiment
> dbListFields(sra_con,"experiment")
"experiment_ID"    "bamFile"    "fastqFTP"    "experiment_alias"
"experiment_accession"    "broker_name"    "center_name"    "title"
"study_name"    "study_accession"    "design_description"    "sample_name"
"sample_accession"    "sample_member"    "library_name"    "library_strategy"
"library_source"    "library_selection"    "library_layout"    "targeted_loci"
"library_construction_protocol" "spot_length"    "adapter_spec"    "read_spec"
"platform"    "instrument_model"    "platform_parameters"    "sequence_space"
"base_caller"    "quality_scorer"    "number_of_levels"    "multiplier"
"qtype"    "sra_link"    "experiment_url_link"    "xref_link"
"experiment_entrez_link"    "ddbj_link"    "ena_link"    "experiment_attribute"
"submission_accession"    "sradb_updated"

4. Run
> dbListFields(sra_con,"run")
"run_ID"    "bamFile"    "run_alias"    "run_accession"
"broker_name"    "instrument_name"    "run_date"    "run_file"
"run_center"    "total_data_blocks"    "experiment_accession"    "experiment_name"
"sra_link"    "run_url_link"    "xref_link"    "run_entrez_link"     "ddbj_link"
"ena_link"    "run_attribute"    "submission_accession" "sradb_updated"

5. Submission

> dbListFields(sra_con,"submission")
"submission_ID"    "submission_alias"    "submission_accession"   "submission_comment"
"files"    "broker_name"    "center_name"    "lab_name"
"submission_date"    "sra_link"    "submission_url_link"    "xref_link"
"submission_entrez_link"   "ddbj_link"    "ena_link"    "submission_attribute"


def _extract_first_field(data):
    """Extract first field from a list of fields"""
    return list(next(zip(*data)))

[docs]class SRAdb(object): def __init__(self, sqlite_file): self.sqlite_file = sqlite_file self.cursor = self.db.cursor() self.valid_in_acc_type = [ 'SRA', 'ERA', 'DRA', 'SRP', 'ERP', 'DRP', 'SRS', 'ERS', 'DRS', 'SRX', 'ERX', 'DRX', 'SRR', 'ERR', 'DRR' ] self.valid_in_type = { 'SRA': 'submission', 'ERA': 'submission', 'DRA': 'submission', 'SRP': 'study', 'ERP': 'study', 'DRP': 'study', 'SRS': 'sample', 'ERS': 'sample', 'DRS': 'sample', 'SRX': 'experiment', 'ERX': 'experiment', 'DRX': 'experiment', 'SRR': 'run', 'ERR': 'run', 'DRR': 'run' }
[docs] def open(self): self.db = sqlite3.connect(self.sqlite_file) self.db.text_factory = str
[docs] def close(self): self.db.close()
[docs] def list_tables(self): """List all tables in the sqlite""" results = self.cursor.execute( 'SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type="table";').fetchall() return _extract_first_field(results)
[docs] def list_fields(self, table): "List all fields in a given table" results = self.cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM {}'.format(table)) return _extract_first_field(results.description)
[docs] def desc_table(self, table): results = self.cursor.execute( 'PRAGMA table_info("{}")'.format(table)).fetchall() columns = ['cid', 'name', 'dtype', 'notnull', 'dflt_value', 'pk'] data = [] for result in results: data.append(list(map(lambda x: str(x), result))) df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns) return df
[docs] def get_query(self, query): results = self.cursor.execute(query).fetchall() column_names = list(map(lambda x: x[0], self.cursor.description)) results = [dict(zip(column_names, result)) for result in results] return pd.DataFrame(results)
[docs] def get_row_count(self, table): """Get row counts for a table""" return self.cursor.execute( 'SELECT max(rowid) FROM {}'.format(table)).fetchone()[0]
[docs] def get_table_counts(self): tables = self.list_tables() results = dict( [(table, self.get_row_count(table)) for table in tables]) return pd.DataFrame.from_dict( results, orient='index', columns=['count'])
[docs] def sra_convert(self, acc, out_type=[ 'study_accession', 'experiment_accession', 'experiment_title', 'run_accession', 'taxon_id', 'library_selection', 'library_layout', 'library_strategy', 'library_source', 'library_name', 'bases', 'spots', 'adapter_spec', ]): in_acc_type = re.sub('\\d+$', '', acc).upper() if in_acc_type not in self.valid_in_acc_type: raise ValueError('{} not a valid input type'.format(in_acc_type)) in_type = self.valid_in_type[in_acc_type] out_type = [x for x in out_type if x != in_type] select_type = [in_type + '_accession'] + out_type select_type_sql = (',').join(select_type) sql = "SELECT DISTINCT " + select_type_sql + " FROM sra_ft WHERE sra_ft MATCH '" + acc + "';" df = self.get_query(sql) df['avg_read_length'] = df['bases'] / df['spots'] df['spots'] = df['spots'].astype(int) df['bases'] = df['bases'].astype(int) df['taxon_id'] = df['taxon_id'].fillna(0).astype(int) df = df.sort_values(by=[ 'taxon_id', 'avg_read_length', 'run_accession', 'experiment_accession', 'library_selection' ]) df = df[out_type + ['avg_read_length']].reset_index(drop=True) return df
[docs] def search_experiment(self, srx): """Search for a SRX/GSM id in the experiments""" if 'GSM' in srx: results = self.cursor.execute( 'select * from EXPERIMENT where experiment_alias = "{}"'. format(srx)).fetchall() else: results = self.cursor.execute( 'select * from EXPERIMENT where experiment_accession = "{}"'. format(srx)).fetchall() assert len(results) == 1, 'Got multiple hits' results = results[0] column_names = list(map(lambda x: x[0], self.cursor.description)) results = dict(zip(column_names, results)) return results
[docs] def convert_gse_to_srp(self, gse): """Convert GSE to SRP id. Requires input db to be GEOmetadb.sqlite """ results = self.get_query('SELECT * from gse WHERE gse = "' + gse + '"') if results.shape[0] == 1: #result = results[0].split(';')[0] splitted = results['supplementary_file'][0].split(';') if len(splitted): match = re.findall('SRP.*', splitted[-1]) if len(match): srp = match[0].split('/')[-1] return srp