Welcome to DH 302 - Introduction to Public Health Informatics!
DH302 is an introductory course on public health informatics. The course focuses on introducing to various problems in healthcare and public health domain and equips you with analytical tools to answer them.
- What is health, public health and healthcare informatics
- Formulating problems in healthcare as statisitcal problems
- How to analyse health care data
The course has two instructors. be evaluated based on the following components:
Upto Midsem (50%):
- Assignments: 10%
- Due on Fridays 6pm via Gradescope
- Best n-1 of n
- Late submission policy: 10% penalty per day
- Mid-sem: 30%
- Surprise quizzes: 10%
- Class participation: Bonus points
For assignment problems, you should work on your own. If you get stuck, you are welcome to discuss it with other students (in-person, or online on Piazza). However, the solutions must be your work. If you discussed with someone, please mention their name and what you received help with in your submission.
Units: 6
Lecture: Wednesdays and Fridays, 11:05am – 12:30pm.
Location: LH 101, 1st Floor Lecture Hall Complex, L1 Building, Opp. KReSIT Bldg., Between Physics & MEMS Dept. GMaps coordinates
Instructors: - Saket Choudhary | Homepage | Blog, B-22, KCDH, KReSIT Basement - Nirmal Punjabi, CC-110, New Computer Science Building
Office Hours:
Teaching Assistants:
- Anisha Karmakar:
- Email
- Office hours: Friday, 3 - 4PM, BSBE (Lab 605)
- Chetan Patil:
- Email
- Office hours: Wednesday, 2 - 3PM, KCDH Lab
- Devendra Singh
- Email
- Office hours: Friday, 5 - 6PM KCDH Lab
- Kriti A:
- Email
- Office hours: Tuesdays, 5 - 6PM, ME Department
- Shobhit Aggarwal:
- Email
- Office hours: Wednesdays, 3 - 4PM, KCDH Lab